Opt out


At Clipr we try to deliver rich media ad formats that are meaningful to you. In order to do that we use cookies to collect non-personally identifiable information about the pages you visit on the partner websites where Clipr participates in serving of ads. This is often called online behavioral or intent-based advertising.


If you prefer we do not use this type of anonymous data for serving ads, please click the “opt-out” button below. This will delete the data we hold about your current browser and set an opt-out cookie on your current browser which will prevent further data collection in this manner.



Please note that you will still see ads if you opt out, there just won’t be any data statistical data or behavior data collected from our part on your browser’s cookie. Also, please note that this setting affects only your current browser and deleting browser cookies can remove your opt out preference.


Full Clipr Privacy Policy can be found here.